Screenshot of the Patient Shuffle Game
Patient Shuffle Game
The Patient shuffle game is an online simulation game that provides our learners with an opportunity to manage patient wait times in the emergency department setting (a task that would be impossible/unrealistic to do in real life). Before starting the main lesson modules, learners are asked to complete at least 1 round of the game and to take note of how this “ER management” experience felt so they can use it as a foundation to gradually build up their understanding of electronic health records (EHRs).
The reason for participation in the game and completing it prior to the start of the lesson is due to the principle of activation – learning is more effective when learners can activate prior knowledge as a foundation for new skills (Merrill, 2018) – and Murphy’s (2011) theory of gamification. As no two individuals have the same healthcare or EHR experience, the game will provide all our learners with the same mental model of an ER so that lesson materials can be built on top of this prior knowledge. In terms of gamification, Murphy (2011) states that learning is more effective when learners are in a state of mental, physical and emotional readiness to learn. Therefore, the use of the game will allow our learners to be on the same “starting point” in terms of healthcare/EHR experience and “primed” into a state in which they are ready to explore this unfamiliar area of healthcare.

Screenshot of Instructions for Patient Shuffle Game