Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
After receiving all the peer reviews from our fellow students, the overall response was positive. Many mentioned that the layout and access to information was simple and easy.
The following are some of the feedback that were addressed:
- Too text heavy
- We did our best to balance the length of content we presented in our modules. If we condensed it down even more, the overall material we are trying to teach may be missed. On the other hand if we overdo it, the interest of the learner may be lost. Therefore, we have not made any changes to the length of our modules.
- Links not opening in a new tab
- The links to the Quizlet activities in our EHR vs EMR vs PHR module opened in the same tab once clicked on. This could cause learners to get lost going back to the module’s content. We have now made it so when links are clicked, the link will be opened in a new tab, enhancing the usability of our Interactive Learning Resource.
- Too many abbreviations
- A couple of our pages had abbreviations that had not been defined before being used. This could cause learners to be confused and as a result, learners may misunderstand a concept. This is considerably apparent for English Language Learners. This has been remedied as all abbreviations on each page has been defined before being used. A suggestion of having a definition displayed of the abbreviation if a user’s mouse is hovered over it, but the integration of this is not within our scope.
- French and Spanish translations
- Currently, our Interactive Learning Activity is in English only. However, for us to translate our content to French and/or Spanish it is out of our group’s scope. This is because none of our group members are fluent in French or Spanish.
- Minor spelling errors
- A spelling mistake in our Overview page contained the word “medial” which was suppose to be “medical”. This has been corrected and is now displaying as “medical”.
Links to Peer Reviews
Please see below for the links to the peer reviews of our Patient Education Portal Resource.
Alistair’s Review (Title Peer Review)
Cassidy’s Review
Codie’s Review
Taoyu’s Review