Image by Kris Asard from Pixabay
The technology we decided to implement for the learning modules, as well as the rest of the information provided on this web page is all digital content that can be accessed exclusively from a browser. It takes the form of a blog, with various pages that can be navigated, and any external resources to that blog are available through easily clickable links. Our reasoning for choosing an exclusively web based digital format is simple.

Image by sonja_paetow from Pixabay
We decided to refrain from using paper materials due to the fact that they are difficult to distribute, and our target demographic is spread throughout an area encompassing multiple cities, making delivery difficult and expensive. Any digital means of distributing the papers for printing (i.e. email, google drive, dropbox), would require internet access anyway, and so would not preclude the method that we did choose. Additionally using excessive amounts of paper is wasteful and detrimental to the environment. We decided against using any proprietary software so that anyone on any platform or operating system could access the content. Web browser code is largely universal, so almost any computer or cellphone could navigate and use all of the content that we have created, including all outside resources that we have linked to (kahoot, youtube, etc.). We considered other means of distribution, but since the target audience are current members of the 2020 EDCI 335 class, and in order to attend that class an internet connection and web browser are needed, we felt that this implementation should meet the needs of practically all our target audience.
The final result is a resource that is all accessible on one webpage via the internet browser on your android, apple, windows, linux, or other device.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay